Titles Available by Timothy Verity

Life and Death on the Euphrates
The Story of Noah

Life and Death on The Euphrates is a drama that features Noah's entire family, especially his wife and her many contributions. Noah faced many frustrations, challenges, engaged in battles, found time for reflection and humor as he prepared for the biggest challenge ever given to anyone!

Read excerpts from Life and Death on the Euphrates.

508 pages.

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Life and Death on the Euphrates

Door Number One
Making Good Decisions For Life

  • To go or not to go?
  • To take this job, or that job?
  • Should I meet this person or that person?

How does a person make good decisions? There is a way. The process isn't all that complicated. But, as in many things, putting it into practice, that's the hard part. A person could be as a flower and simply wait for things to happen! Or a person can use her own smarts and wisdom to make really satisfying decisions.

Read excerpts from Door Number One.

242 pages.

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Door Number One